
Motion charts in Excel

Creating motion charts in Excel is a simple four-step process.

  1. Get the data in a tabular format with the columns [date, item, x, y, size]
  2. Make a “today” cell, and create a lookup table for “today”
  3. Make a bubble chart with that lookup table
  4. Add a scroll bar and a play button linked to the “today” cell

For the impatient, here’s a motion chart spreadsheet that you can tailor to your needs.
For the patient and the puzzled, here’s a quick introduction to bubble and motion charts.

What is a bubble chart?

A bubble chart is a way of capturing 3 dimensions. For example, the chart below could be the birth, literacy rate and population of countries (X-axis, Y-axis and size). Or the growth, margin and market cap of companies.

Example of a bubble chart

It lets you compare three dimensions at a glance. The size dimension is a different from the X and Y axes, though. It’s not easy to compare differences in size. And the eye tends to focus on the big objects. So usually, size is used highlight important things, and the X and Y axes used to measure the performance of these things.

If I were to summarise bubble charts in a sentence, it would be: bubble charts show the performance of important things (in two dimensions). (In contrast, Variwide charts show the same on one dimension.)

Say you’re a services firm. You want to track the productivity of your most expensive groups (“the important things”). Productivity is measured by 2 parameters: utilisation and margin. The bubble chart would then have the expense of each group as the size, and its utilisation and contribution as the X and Y axes.

What is a motion chart?

Motion charts are animated bubble charts. They track the performance of important things over time (in two dimensions). This is chart with 4 dimensions. But not all data with 4 dimensions can be plotted as a motion chart. One dimension has to be time, and another has to be linked to the importance of the item.


Motion charts were pioneered by Hans Rosling and his TED Talk shows you the true power of motion charts.

How do I create these charts?

Use the Motion Chart Gadget to display any of your data on a web page. Or use Google Spreadsheets if you need to see the chart on a spreadsheet: motion charts are built in.

If you or your viewer don’t have access to these, and you want to use Excel, here’s how.

1. Get the data in a tabular format

Get the data in the format below. You need the X, Y and size for each thing, for each date.

Date Thing X Y Size
08/02/2009 A 64% 11% 1
08/02/2009 B 14% 33% 2
08/02/2009 C 78% 55% 3
08/02/2009 D 57% 73% 4
08/02/2009 E 39% 32% 5
08/02/2009 F 40% 81% 6
09/02/2009 A 64% 12% 1
09/02/2009 B 14% 33% 2
09/02/2009 C 78% 56% 3
09/02/2009 D 57% 73% 4
09/02/2009 E 39% 32% 5
09/02/2009 F 40% 81% 6

To make life (and lookups) easier, add a column called “Key” which concatenates the date and the things. Typing “=A2&B2” will concatenate cells A2 and B2. (Red cells use formulas.)

Date Thing Key X Y Size
08/02/2009 A 39852A 64% 11% 1
08/02/2009 B 39852B 14% 33% 2
08/02/2009 C 39852C 78% 55% 3
08/02/2009 D 39852D 57% 73% 4

2. Make a “today” cell, and create a lookup table for “today”

Create a cell called “Offset” and type in 0 as its value. Add another cell called Today whose value is the start date (08/02/2009 in this case) plus the offset (0 in this case)

Offset 0 (Just type 0)
Today 08/02/2009 Use a formula: =STARTDATE + OFFSET

Now, if you change the offset from 0 to 1, “Today” changes to 09/02/2009. By changing just this one cell, we can create a table that holds the bubble chart details for that day, like below.

Thing X Y Size Formula
A 44% 19% 1




B 6% 13% 2
C 90% 71% 3
D 41% 61% 4
E 59% 40% 5
F 16% 77% 6

Check out my motion chart spreadsheet to see how these are constructed.

3. Make a bubble chart with that lookup table

This is a simple Insert – Chart. Go through the chart types and select bubble. Play around with the data selection until you get the X, Y and Size columns right.

Example of a bubble chart

4. Add a scroll bar and a play button linked to the “today” cell

Now for the magic. Add a scroll bar below the chart.
Excel 2007 users: Go to Developer – Insert and add a scroll bar.
Excel 2003 users: Go to View – Toolbars – Control Toolbox and add a scroll bar

Right click on the scroll bar, go to Format Control… and link the scroll bar to the “Offset” cell. Now, as you move the scroll bar, the value in the offset cell will change to reflect it. So the “today” cell will change too. So will the lookup table. And so will the chart.

Next, create a button called “Play” and edit its code.
Excel 2007 users: Right click the button, go to Developer – View Code.
Excel 2003 users: Right click the button and select View Code.

Type in the following code for the button’s click event:

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 40:            ' Replace 40 with your range
        Range("J1").Value = i   ' Replace J1 with your offset cell
        Sleep (100)
End Sub

Now clicking on the Play button will give you this glorious motion chart in Excel:

It’s been a good movie month for me, and I’ve managed to nudge closer to my target of watching the IMDb Top 250.

But one tool I had in the past, that I sorely miss, is It’s a now-defunct site that kept track of the IMDb Top 250, and let you strike off the movies that you had watched. You could see which movies you hadn’t seen, keep score, and discuss the movies.

Since it’s demise, my movie watching slowed down as well.

Earlier this month, I set up a similar site at It has the same basic function. You can log in, strike out movies that you’ve seen, and keep track of what’s left to see. For the more technically minded, the source-code is at


Happy movie tracking, and looking forward to your suggestions.

Dilbert search engine

Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to search through the Dilbert archives using text?

This used to be possible at some years ago, as a paid service. In late 2003, I needed to find some Dilbert strips for a client, so I’d subscribed for a year. I could then search for the quotes (I happened to be looking for "outsourcing", so you can guess the context).

But I can’t seem to find the feature any more, even as a paid service. The site looks a lot better, of course. But I can’t find strips.

Well, why not type them out? After all, I’d done that with Calvin and Hobbes.

This would be a much larger exercise, though. And I’m hoping to take your help. I’ve set up a site at You can type in a comic randomly, starting from 2000. These will be made searchable on my Dilbert page. You can export the data and use it yourself, of course.

When typing in Calvin and Hobbes, I did have a few volunteers willing to pitch in, but collaboration tools weren’t easy to set up, and I ended up typing the whole thing myself. This time, I’d be delighted if even 10 people typed in just a strip each.

So, here’s my request, to all you Dilbert fans.

  1. Please go to
  2. Log in using your Google account and type in as many strips as you like
  3. Bookmark it for the future, whenever you’re bored

As I said, the data is readily exportable from the page, so if you’re looking to do cool mash-ups with it, great! And if you want the data exported in other formats, please let me know.

Incidentally, I created the site using Google AppEngine. The source code is at

Animated charts in Excel

Watch Hans Rosling‘s TED Talks on debunking third world myths and new insights on poverty and ask yourself: could I do this with my own data?

Yes. Google has a gadget called MotionChart that lets you do this.

Now, you could put this up on your web page, but that’s not quite useful when presenting to a client. (It is shocking, but there are many practical problems getting an Internet connection at a client site. The room doesn’t have a connection. The cable isn’t long enough. You can’t access the LAN. Their proxy requires authentication. The connection is too slow. Whatever.)

So you need this in Excel. Let me explain a variant of the technique I described earlier.

Let’s start by creating a simple bubble chart.

For each item in a bubble chart, you need 3 pieces of data: the X-axis, Y-axis and size. This graph shows three items A, B and C in one year: 2001. To animate this, you need data for more years, so let’s create that.

The first 3 rows contain the same data as before, except that I’ve added a "Year" column and a "Key" column (which is just a concatenation of the Year and the Item). The data now goes on for many more years.

Now we need to create a scroll bar that can be used to change the year. So add a scroll bar below the bubble chart…

… and right click the scroll bar and go to Format Control. Now, select the cell link to some cell ($H$1 in this case). Now, if you move the scroll bar, the cell value will change.

All you need to do is to now change the source data for the chart based on the year. From the table on the left, VLOOKUP the year + item, and put this into the table on the right. When the year in the cell H1 changes, the data updates itself. So now, as you move the scroll bar, cell H1 changes, then so does the data and hence the graph.

This is what the animation looks like.

And here’s the Excel file.

Statistically improbable phrases on Google AppEngine

I read about Google AppEngine early this morning, and applied for an invite. Google’s issuing beta invites to the first 10,000 users. I was pretty convinced I wasn’t among those, but turns out I was lucky.

AppEngine lets you write web apps that Google hosts. People have been highlighting that it give you access to the Google File System and BigTable for the first time. But to me, that isn’t a big deal. (I’m not too worried about reliability, and MySQL / flat files work perfectly well for me as a data store.)

What’s more interesting unlike Amazon’s EC2 and S3, this is free up to a certain quota. And you get a fair bit of processing power and bandwidth for free. One of the reasons I’ve held back on creating some apps was simply because it would take away too much bandwidth / CPU cycles from my site. (I’ve had this problem before.) Google quota is 10 GB of bandwidth per day (which is about 30 times what my site uses). And this is on Google’s incredibly fast servers It also offers 200 million megacycles a day. That’s like a dedicated 2.3 GHz processor (200 million megacycles = 200,000 GHz x 1 second ~ 2.3 GHz x 86,400 seconds/day) — better, because this is the average capacity, not peak capacity. The only restriction that really worries me is that only 3 apps are allowed per developer.

So I decided to give a shot at publishing some code I’d kept in reserve for a long time. You may remember my statistical analysis of Calvin & Hobbes. For this, I’d created a script in Perl that could generate Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs) for any text. This is based on (a somewhat limited) 23MB corpus of ebooks that I had. I’d wanted to put that up on my website, but …

AppEngine only uses Python. So the first task was to get Python, and then to learn Python. The only saving grace was that I was just cutting-and-pasting most of the time. Google wasn’t helping:

Google AppEngine Over Quota Error

Anyway, the site is up. You can view it at for now. Just type a URL, and it’ll tell you the improbable words in that site.


Technical notes

I realise that these are statistically improbable words, not phrases. I’ll get to the phrases in a while.

The logic is simple:

  • Get the frequency of words in a corpus. I pre-generated this file. It has over 100,000 words.
  • Get the URL as text. Rather than muck around with Python, I decided to use the W3 html2txt service.
  • Convert the text to words. Splitting text into words is tricky. For now, I’m simply assuming that any group of letters is a word, and anything that’s not a letter is a word delimiter.
  • Find the relative frequency (improbability) of words. This is the frequency in the URL divided by the frequency in the corpus, normalised (i.e. scale it so that the maximum value is 1.0).
  • Create a tag cloud. I use the word frequency as the size and the improbability as the colour. You need a bit of mathematical jugglery to get the pattern right. Right now, I’m taking the 6th root of the improbability and the logarithm of the frequency to get a reasonably smooth tag cloud.

The source code is at

Update: 12-Apr-2008. I’ve added some interactivity. You can play with the contrast and font size, the filter out common or infrequent words.

Update: 22-Apr-2008. Added concordance. You can click on a word and see the context in which it appears.

Google search in Tamil

When I wrote my Tamil song lyrics quizzes, I had two problems:

  1. I can’t write in Tamil (not on paper, nor on a computer)
  2. I can’t spell right in Tamil (ந vs ன, ர vs ற)

I overcame the first using a Tamil transliterator. I write in English, and you see it in Tamil.

The problem of ந vs ன was simple. ந occurs as the first letter of a word, and just before த. Nowhere else. (Is this always true?)

But ர vs ற can’t be solved except through experience, and I’m short of that. So, rather than bother my family with every quiz, I used the wisdom of crowds. I googled both spellings of the word. The correct spelling has more Google hits than the incorrect one.

I did this so often, I made a Google gadget out of it.

Just type the word in English, click ‘Search’, and my gadget will search in tamil. It’s amazing how much stuff there is in Tamil on the Web, from song lyrics to texts (thirukkuraL, for example).

You can add this gadget to:

  • your desktop (in the Search Gadgets box, type “”)
  • your website or blog (click here for the code)
  • Google Reader. Add to Google

Here’s the transliteration table:

Tamil English
A or aa
I or ee
U or oo
k or g
ch or s
t or d
th or dh
p or b

Making a Tamil transliterator

I’ve built a simple Tamil transliterator. You can type in words in English and it will spell them out in Tamil. You can copy-paste the Tamil above into Microsoft Word, etc.

You may need to turn on tamil scripts to see the Tamil fonts above. If you have Windows 98, it may not work well. If you’ve visited this page recently, you will need to refresh this page as well (press F5).

Browse through my Javascript to see how it works. Feel free to reuse.

I’ve also made a Google Gadget that searches Google in Tamil using this tool.

Here’s what to type:

Tamil English
A or aa
I or ee
U or oo
k or g
ch or s
t or d
th or dh
p or b

I also have a gadget that lets you search in Tamil.