While hunting for a VoIP service to call India, I found a fair variety of services that I’m sharing below.
FreeCall appears the cheapest when calling India, at 2.5¢ per minute to a land line. I’m listing the rate from London to Chennai below. I’m not sure of the difference in voice quality between these. The only one I’ve tried is VoIPDiscount, which is not too bad. As a benchmark, remember that Reliance offers a calling card at around 7.3¢ per minute.
(Incidentally, if you wanted to call the US/UK, there’s no reason why you should use your phone. Calls to the US, the UK and parts of Europe are free with most of these services.)
2.5¢/min | freecall |
3.3¢/min | calleasy |
3.3¢/min | webcalldirect |
3.9¢/min | net2phone |
4.2¢/min | smsdiscount |
5.0¢/min | internetcalls |
5.0¢/min | nonoh |
5.0¢/min | voipdiscount |
5.0¢/min | voipwise |
5.5¢/min | freshtel.net |
5.9¢/min | pc-telephone |
6.0¢/min | mywebcalls |
6.7¢/min | 12voip |
6.7¢/min | justvoip |
6.7¢/min | poivy |
6.7¢/min | sparvoip |
6.8¢/min | gtalk2voip |
7.1¢/min | vbuzzer |
7.5¢/min | webphone |
7.9¢/min | yahoo |
8.0¢/min | click4 |
8.0¢/min | callserve |
8.0¢/min | hotfoon |
8.2¢/min | blasterphone.net |
8.4¢/min | netappel |
8.4¢/min | sipdiscount |
8.4¢/min | voipbuster |
9.1¢/min | voipstunt |
9.9¢/min | iconnecthere |
9.9¢/min | lowratevoip |
10.0¢/min | phoneopia |
10.6¢/min | skype |
11.4¢/min | sipnet |
11.6¢/min | voipcheap |
13.8¢/min | wengophone |
14.6¢/min | gizmo5 |
16.1¢/min | peneo |
19.9¢/min | voipbusterpro |
I was using Tpad (Linksys PAP2T device at both ends) for VOIP Calls, which is completely free as long as internet works fine at my place in India (and without the need of keeping laptop switched on). With the occasional call out from tpad to mobiles, but freecall is indeed much cheaper as per their website! Infact the rate is listed as 2c/min (.019GBP). Thanks for sharing this!
Dude, most of my international calls while I am on the commute using lycatalk.com. All these websites are using the computer (VoIP). Have ya got a similar list for phone based (Landline based) ones ??
Hi Anand,
I have been reading your blog for a while now, and I really love it!
I just had one query, since you’re in UK… What do you use to call back home? esp, mobile to mobile… could you suggest something to me? I am going to be in France for a year and need some pointers in this regard
Thanks for the good read(S)(emphasis on the plural
@Neha: Thanks, Neha. I use Reliance’s calling card (relianceindiacall.co.uk) for personal use and Tata’s (VSNL’s) calling card for official use. You could also look at Jajah as an option, but I haven’t tried it.
Hey Anand,
That was fast! Thank you so much, will have a look and try it out
srilanka low rate line please sent my mail
I use Jajah to call from India to US n UK. It works pretty well for mobile to mobile calls.