It’s been a good movie month for me, and I’ve managed to nudge closer to my target of watching the IMDb Top 250.

But one tool I had in the past, that I sorely miss, is It’s a now-defunct site that kept track of the IMDb Top 250, and let you strike off the movies that you had watched. You could see which movies you hadn’t seen, keep score, and discuss the movies.

Since it’s demise, my movie watching slowed down as well.

Earlier this month, I set up a similar site at It has the same basic function. You can log in, strike out movies that you’ve seen, and keep track of what’s left to see. For the more technically minded, the source-code is at


Happy movie tracking, and looking forward to your suggestions.

22 thoughts on “”

  1. Wow – I did not know others where as crazy as me ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And thanks for the app – it will come in handy. Until know, I was using a text file – I just deleted the movies I saw.

  2. THANK YOU! It really sucks that went offline, but itโ€™s awesome that you created a replacement.

  3. Thanks dude !!! I used to track movies on and sorely missed it since it went down. Now I can keep track of them again and complete my mission of watching all of the top 250 movies. Great work !!!

  4. Cheers, I too miss – going to be quite a chore ticking them all off again!

    Does your site (like also ‘remember’ movies that have been ticked off but temporarily fall out of the top250 list?

  5. Yes, John, the remembers moves that have fallen out of the Top 250 list. It also lets you know which movies have recently moved into the Top 250, and whether you’d marked them as seen.

  6. Thank you! I had toyed with writing something in Rails but I just didn’t find the time. was a good site but it wasn’t reliable at all.

  7. Amazing. I was crestfallen when I saw had disappeared but your version is even better! Thanks so much for this. And i guess as it’s Google-hosted, it’s here to stay.

  8. I have to log in every single time I visit the list. Is that intended or a bug? It really sucks quite a bit.

  9. seems very nice. Though is missing those codes you could use anywhere with html-code to track your count, and last 5 seen IMDb Top250 movies…

    Even that, I hope you’ll like the site, it has more topics than Top250 ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Pingback: » Blog Archive » IMDB Top 250

  11. Just noticed the Facebook app no longer exists. So, I signed up for your alternate version. Let’s see what my score is… 106/250. Still a loooong way to go.

  12. Hi, I really like the site but now i get a 404 when trying to access it. Is it permanently removed or just temporarily? If you don’t plan to put it up again would you be interested in open sourcing the source code so i can continue to use your handy tool? ๐Ÿ™‚

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