Tamil songs quiz 2006-2007

Here is the background music from some hit songs from 2006 and 2007. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green. (A couple of spellings are tricky. Try J instead of S and V instead of G.)

20 thoughts on “Tamil songs quiz 2006-2007”

  1. Ur quizzes are great.great idea. but in this quiz, when we download we get all the details about the clip including movie name which is the album title. Thrill of finding the name is lost.

  2. Awesome quiz … couldn”t figure out the answers to 3,5,6,10 … could you please post them some time. Or maybe I can just see the file names in the HTML 🙂 Btw, glad someone else likes Atrai Thingal

  3. Got 9! Couldn”t figure out number 8 – haunting me tho”. Awesome quiz and idea btw…

  4. what a great quiz man!!!!!! awesome!
    next time add songs of latest 2011!!!!!!!
    its a great time pass…………:-)xxxxxlove it

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