Tamil Songs – 1990s

In 1992, A R Rahman emerged. Ilayaraja may have scored more tunes until the first 3 years of the decade than Rahman did the whole decade. But the decade belonged to Rahman.

Here is the background music from some hit songs from the 1990s. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

59 thoughts on “Tamil Songs – 1990s”

  1. 14/25; actually I know two or three more too but it is like at the proverbial tip of the tongue but am unable to spit it out 🙂

  2. 24/25 with my roomie blurting out the other even before i could try. Honestly i couldnt have got it, i think!

  3. Cipher, these are the actors who sang 1, 5 and 16. Lots of kids, Kamal (sort-of) and Arvind Swamy. Does that help?

  4. only 12/25. But knew 22-23 of the songs. If you had played a bit more, would have done better, methinks 🙂 Great stuff!!

  5. Hey, excellent quiz, I know I got all 25 right in the 1990s quiz and all 10 in the 1980s. But how do I confirm, my box deosnt turn green or anything. Is there any other way to track the score?

  6. 24/25. I could identify some songs in about .75 seconds. :)Same as priya. Box does not turn green though!

  7. 24/25. isai inban. i think its no.18 i am stuck on. Music is familiar was racking my brains for some ilayaraja number then thought maybe its arr by some strange chance. But cant figure. clue pls

  8. SuperStarFritz

    Got 23/25. Have no idea about 10. 23 I know the song, but can’t proceed from that tune onwards. Thoughts?

  9. Hi Anand… Ranga here… How are you ? Came to know about this site… Quite Interesting… I am trying some of the quizzes here… This one I got 25 / 25

  10. Please help Anand, i have done everything from 1, 10-25. Others I need help considering i’m 14 and am a Londoner. Thanks

  11. hi.. i got 23/25.. missed on 6th and the 3rd.. the rest were quite easy.. can you please help with 3 and 6?


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