This is about as insightful as the Ig Nobel winning papers “Boredom begets boredom” and “Whatever will bore, will bore” that methodically documented that bored teachers lead to bored students. But in the spirit of publishing all research without bias for success or novelty, let me share this obvious result.

The Y-axis represents the total score of ~2,000 students on 4 graded assignments, each of ~10 marks. The X-axis represents the percent rank of engagement. The most engaged students are at 100%. The least are at 0%.
How do I measure engagement? By the number of times they visit the page and how early they visit the page (both computed as percent ranks). So, the student who visits the assignment page the most often, and the student who visits the assignment page first, score highest.
For every 10% increase in the engagement, the score increases by about 3 marks. What that means is, if a student leapfrogs ahead of 10% of their batchmates, that effort typically leads to scoring about 3 / 40 = 7.5% more overall.