I maintain my (extensive) notes in text files. I’ve explored Evernote, Onenote, Google Keep, Apple Notes, and many other platforms. But text files work. I store them as Markdown and sync them on DropBox.
They used to be relatively large files (50-100KB) each, on broad topics. For example:
- todo.txt was a consolidated list of things I had to do
- people.txt was a list of everything I knew about people (addresses, birthdays, etc)
- towrite.txt was a list of everything I wanted to write about
- notes.txt was where I tracked notes about any topics
- … and more
This led to a couple of problems.
- Searching across files was hard. I wouldn’t remember if I wrote ideas for my next talk in todo.txt or towrite.txt, or if my meeting minutes where in notes.txt todo.txt. I had to open each file and search.
- Files were getting too big. Editing them on mobile was harder. Scanning them was harder.
So I changed this system a few years ago into micro-notes. These files became a folder. For example, my notes/ folder looks like this:
- time-management.txt has my time management notes
- book-never-split-the-difference.txt has book notes on Never Split the Difference
- eat-food-sleep-exercise-live-healthy.txt has notes on fitness
The folder has nearly 300 files. Here’s a glimpse of the latest files.

Similarly, my people/ folder has details of my discussions with various people I interact with — friends, colleagues & clients.
What made this change possible is Everything, a fast file search tool on Windows that lets me find files as I type. For example, if I’m looking for my notes on SlideSense, I just type “notes s” and it appears on the list.

I usually sort the files by run count (how often I opened them). That makes it easy to re-open the most used files.
It also makes it easier to edit these notes on mobile. I sync the folder on Dropbox, and use IAWriter to edit them while on walks. Dictation is pretty good, so I’ve been using that to take notes too.
Hey Anand, great to see you back! After a loonngggg hiatus!
Thanks, Saurabh!
Welcome back Anand. I have been following your “blog” (hope the term is still relevant!) for more than a decade. Your matter-of-fact writing is something that I enjoy and your experiences using various tools/approaches have always been interesting. Hope we can see more of your writing.
Hi Anand,
I stumbled into your page accidentally while looking for something about Ilayaraja.I am your chittappa,Lalitha chitti’s husband.We attended your wedding too. Much water has flown under the bridge and I have lost contact with our relatives.Ramnath and Shekar are in touch.How is your Sriram uncle and your dad.I hope you remember me!