
Vadivelu Comedy Dialogues

Here are some famous funny dialogues by Tamil comedian Vadivelu. Can you guess which movie they’re from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

Nagesh Comedy Dialogues Quiz

Here are dialogues from Nagesh‘s films. Can you guess which movie they’re from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

Recent Tamil Songs Quiz

After a long break, here’s another quiz, featuring relatively recent Tamil songs. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

A R Rahman Hindi songs

By popular demand, here are interludes from 15 Hindi songs of A R Rahman. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

MGR songs quiz 1

Here is the first interlude and the first line from some MGR songs. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

Tamil songs quiz 2008

Here is the background music from some songs from 2008. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green. (One spelling is tricky. Try M instead of N at the end.)