Google games on Metafilter
Google games on Metafilter.
Google games on Metafilter.
Zen stories. Read some of these first in Douglas Hofstader’s Godel, Escher, Bach. Searched for a collection for a long time. This looks like quite a comprehensive one. If you want a flavour of these, Zen Master Gutei‘s story is one of those bizarre ones.
Pictures of pedestrians at Marble Arch. Now, that’s an inspiring site (to me, at least!)
A quick round-up on the Indian bloggers’ lists:
Other methods like Blogchalk India yield too few hits. If you want to go beyond these lists, Google searches like indian blogger are probably your best bet.
W3C runs a HTML validator service. Quite useful. I managed to find several flaws on my site’s HTML (particularly wrong nesting.)
The Economist Technology Quarterly. Great tech news, a little infrequent though. (Thanks, Markose!)
Science jokes. Includes several old classics like “The four branches of arithmetic – ambition, distraction, uglification and derision.” (Lewis Caroll).
Interesting article on complexity in basketball (from NECSI)
Rick Garlikov tried using the Socratic method to teach binary numbers to a third grade class. Looks like it worked well. I’m all for the Socratic method of teaching.