My best links
Calvin and Hobbes Complete
Complete Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. Grab while the site lasts. (Alternate Calvin and Hobbes collection. I’ve typed the quotes.)
46 freeware
The 46 best ever freeware utilities. What do you find useful?
Social Network Analysis
Excellent intro to social network analysis
Robust software
Dan Briklin on software that lasts 200 years.
Great Hackers
Excellent article by Paul Graham on great hackers.
Vivisimo, a document clustering service. As far as I can understand, it collects data from multiple sources and clusters it into hierarchies. Automatically. Sounds good, and seems to work reasonably well on Net searches too. At the very least, it’s a fresh way of searching. via Markose
anti-telemarketing. I’m going to do it. I really am. Believe me!