
Multimodal browser

IBM has this cool tool: Multimodal browser extension. With this, I can create a textbox on my site, which you can fill in by speaking to the web page. The underlying standard is W3C’s XHTML+Voice.

Two years ago, I’d have downloaded it and had it on my site in a few hours. Today, I’m a married consultant. I don’t have a few hours. 🙁

Eicher Maps

Bought one of these Eicher Maps. They’re fantastic. I sure wish I had access to the GIS on their website! Have a whole bunch of cool ideas.

Does education really pay

Does education really pay? An interesting article on Forbes arguing that education does not cause higher salaries, but is merely correlated with it. The logic sequence is broadly:

  • Labour markets want smart people.
  • Smart people tend to want education.
  • Hence labour markets appear to want educated people.

Letter from Einstein

Cute letters to Einstein from kids.

Dear Sir,

I probably would have written ages ago, only I was not aware that you were still alive. I am not interested in history, and I thought that you had lived in the 18th c., or somewhere around that time…


Dear Tyfanny,

… I have to apologize to you that I am still among the living. There will be a remedy for this, however. …


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