US a threat to world peace
US is the biggest threat to world peace?! A Time survey. via kuro5hin
The first time Bertie meets Jeeves. via RobotWisdom
Obesity reduces lifespan. An obese 20-year-old man may have his life expectancy cut by as many as 13 years compared with normal-weight people.
The real face of Jesus. Jesus, it turns out, looked like a peasant, bearded and green-brown eyed. At least, if forensic anthropology is to be believed. via Nilesh
Kazaa is next. Even though it’s not based in the US, Kazaa has been ruled to be subject to US laws. No matter what the outcome, Kazaa is going to be in trouble. Well, time to move on to the next P2P software.
Now IBM offers supercomputing on demand. Pricing is unclear, but Big Blue is clearly positioning itself as the computer utility house of the 21st century.
The Future of the Book from Xerox PARC is an interesting paper I picked up from The Social Life of Information by Brown and Duguid.
Article on 64-bit processors. Interesting description of the PC industry pecking order: Microsoft > Intel > HP / Dell. Keeping that in mind does help predict a lot of the PC’s future. via RobotWisdom
Top 10 books of the millenium. Notables: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.
A photographic history of Vajpayee from Rediff, to commemorate his 78th birthday.