Google on Word Spy top 100
Word Spy’s top 100 words has Google on top right now, probably because Google asked them not to verbify them.
Word Spy’s top 100 words has Google on top right now, probably because Google asked them not to verbify them.
Gladwell on The Talent Myth. Maybe smart people aren’t as special as they’re made out to be.
Google buys Pyra. Pyra runs Blogger and BlogSpot. via Scripting News
The ubiquitous Peter Weinberger. A man whose face was etched on CDs, circuit boards, walls, tables, and even watertowers. via RobotWisdom
Interesting stories from a guy who always wore a nametag. via MetaFilter
Poodle predictor: good diagnostic tool for websites. via Filter Coffee
Connections in Space has an interesting navigational metaphor — the London Underground. The site itself is somewhat interesting. via MetaFilter
An invisible cloak, a la Harry Potter. Except that it’s real, and Japanese. via KurzweilAI