Why do we drive on the left
An in-depth analysis of which side of the road people drive on (and why). via andersja
An in-depth analysis of which side of the road people drive on (and why). via andersja
The next Mumbai Blogger’s Meet is on May 4th.
An interesting Google result for “French military victories”. Unfortunately, it no longer returns the same result. But sure was an interesting find. via RHF
The Indian Railways reservation site is among the largest e-commerce sites in Asia-Pacific.
I glanced through Sysinternal’s utilities. Nice. (Got the link from a kuro5hin article on the importance of EULAs.)
A good (but technical) overview of complex networks literature (PDF). If you do pick it up, just glance through “III. Properties of networks”. It gives a good sense of what little we know of real-world networks.
i2 may have to delist. And delisting may be good for them.
Yahoo on a time traveler busted for insider trading. Unfortunately, the urban legends site denounces it. via Sid