
Conditional Access System makes you pay more

Yet another example of the regulation doing the opposite of what was intended. The CAS – Conditional Access System Bill was introduced to ensure that customers pay only for what they want to see (and hence, presumably, less than before). However, the customer is likely to pay 2-3 times as much. Of course, the other objective of making local cable operators pay their full dues is likely to succeed.


About Webmap. It maps the Web topographically, offering a different way of navigating. Pity, the download is not available any more.

Lateral thinking puzzle

Lateral thinking: A woman has incontrovertible proof in court that her husband was murdered by her sister. The judge declares, “This is the strangest case I’ve ever seen. Though it’s a cut-and-dried case, this woman cannot be punished.”

Reason: The sisters are Siamese twins.

Siamese Twins

PS: Was Ravana a Siamese decuplet?