Death of telephone calls
Skype allows you to call toll-free numbers free. This, to me, completely removes the need to use a telephone line. With a cable internet connection and a calling card, you’re set.
RSS Clustering
RSS clustering is about doing what Gmail does on news sources, to RSS feeds of your choice.
Amazon concordance
Amazon has a new feature called concordance that shows the frequently used words in a book like a tag list.
10 for 10
A list of 10 trends to keep an eye on over the next 10 years. Includes the Long tail, Ajax, PDAs, Tagging and RSS.
Podcast favourites
I listen to Podcasts on my 90-minute commute from work. Like Berkeley Groks Science Show for instance. Tamil comedies and dramas are another option I have. Sometimes, even movies.
Google Maps traffic violation
Google Maps gets Edwin Soto out of a traffic violation. He was able to use his laptop and wi-fi connection at the court to show the judge that Cathedral Parkway, where he ran a red light, was a two-way street and not a one-way as the cop indicated.