Beautiful people are paid more
Beautiful people are paid more because of a positive feedback mechanism. Employers expect them to perform better. They expect themselves to perform better. And these come across.
Beautiful people are paid more because of a positive feedback mechanism. Employers expect them to perform better. They expect themselves to perform better. And these come across.
The seven plus or minus two rule. That’s all your brain can remember.
Live Plasma. An interesting way to explore music and movies. Great visual design too.
Google Related Links. Google’s following Yahoo’s lead in Y!Q.
Chennai on Google Earth in high resolution. Mylapore and other areas near the coast are not yet in hi-res, though.
Marriages in Britain are lasting longer. But part of the reason is that there are fewer marriages. More people just live together. The ones that do marry are older (30 years, as against 26 years a decade ago) and probably more religious.
Stock transactions by Bill Gates. He periodically sells a few million of Microsoft shares. Wonder what he does with the $300 million or so every week.