Forwarded messages
This site has a menu of messages that have been forwarded many times over. I never saw the point in forwarding jokes in the first place. You can always catch up with the good ones at rec.humor.funny.
This site has a menu of messages that have been forwarded many times over. I never saw the point in forwarding jokes in the first place. You can always catch up with the good ones at rec.humor.funny.
Microsoft dumps Java. Doesn’t worry me to much. I’ve never had much use for Java as a user. They’ve ‘adopted’ Perl, though. And I was always a Perl fan.
CNet has a comprehensive outline on what’s happening all over the world on digital signatures. Frankly, I’m won over by CNet’s “Big Picture” concept.
Whose sites are the most popular on this server? Last month, the top 10 sites were admissions, placement, Prof. Srinivasan’s, and Prof. Bandi’s. I ran http-analyze to get these results.
First and Second claims to be the largest bookshop in India. It’s possible. They’re the only ones that stock The Blind Watchmaker and The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. I ordered them instantly, and it came in 2 days! I’m sold.
I’ve scanned the photos I took at Lehman Brothers during summers.
An behind-the-scenes report on a hacking attempt. These guys set up a trap and waited for it to get hacked. Once it did, they recorded the conversations of the hackers. If you’re UNIX savvy, it’s a must read.
The Internet Law Journal has a lot of stuff on legal issues on the Net. It’s going to come in handy for our dot-com project. So is, which has details on failing dot-coms.