Wal Mart is the second largest company
Wal-Mart is the second largest company in the world in terms of revenues. Only 2 IT companies made to the top 10: IBM and AT&T
Wal-Mart is the second largest company in the world in terms of revenues. Only 2 IT companies made to the top 10: IBM and AT&T
Would someone please tell Sushma Swaraj to hurry up the Convergence Bill? Now we have to wait till the budget session!!
Now that SEBI has relaxed the IPO floor from Rs. 250 crores to Rs. 100 crores, we can see a lot more IPOs.
Some time soon, we’ll be using something like VisorPhone or Stinger — which are like handheld computers with a mobile phone. Forget the keyboard. We’ll be talking to them!
Are credit card transactions on the Net safe? Egghead had their’s stolen.
TechTarget is a search engine on all kinds of IT topics, likd Linux, EBusiness, SAP, etc.
Jain Internet is the first to move from a free ISP to a paid one. How long before the rest follow? LESSONS: It’s NOT okay to sell products for less than what they cost ( USA Today).
Strong numbers searches through auctions and tells you what the fair price of any product is. Now, that’s market information!
Planet-M is online.
Cliches. Tells you what cliches like ass backwards mean.