Every Night Josephine out of print
Every Night Josephine is out of print. If not for copyrights, one could just copy an old print.
Every Night Josephine is out of print. If not for copyrights, one could just copy an old print.
Fashion lessons paid off. After reading about business wardrobes for men, and how gentlemen dress, I shopped for a suit, hoping to look my professional best. Ended up with a grey single-breasted polywool suit from Louise Phillipe.
Asian option calculators from Enron and DerivativesModels.com.
Multinational Monitor features the 10 worst corporations of 2000.
A neat banking & finance portal by Northern Light. Covers mergers, reforms, technology, regulations, country-specific info, etc.
Eight case studies on sanctions: Cuba, South Africa, Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Burma, China and India.
MP3 CD players. The next big thing? It’s basically got a hard disk where you can put in any MP3s, and listen to it like a walkman. Why bother with cassettes?
Sweden has ruled that it’s OK to have links to illegal MP3s, so long as the server is in a country where illegal MP3s are legal. That’s in stark contrast with France vs Yahoo. In fact, the norm is that linking even to the front page of commercial sites needs permission sometimes. A court in Utah ruled that providing links to copyrighted material could constitute copyright infringement. Better check out cyberlaws and ensure compliance with copyright rules on the Internet.
Violation is often in the eye of the beholder. “Anyone who makes derogatory references to others (or their sites, products or services), however it is done, invites trouble.”