Websense and Anonymizer
Websense proposes. Anonymizer disposes. Websense monitors employee Internet usage. Anonymizer scrambles it.
Websense proposes. Anonymizer disposes. Websense monitors employee Internet usage. Anonymizer scrambles it.
The Economist website looks more like a newspaper now.
People ignore banners. So we have interstitials instead.
INDIA – A Country Study from the Library of Congress. A comprehensive overview of India.
Even states have performance based pay. The less their fiscal deficit, the more their plan allocation. Good.
Salon’s article explains how silly people can get when firing employees.
Plastic — an interesting news source. I like Plastic work.
I’ve ordered a copy of the World Employment Report. Apparently, it says that India won’t sustain its software boom, and I want to know why.
Microsoft Deathwatch. No, Bill isn’t dead, but his servers were for a while.