Hardest lessons for startups
Paul Graham on The hardest lessons for startups to learn.
So why do I spend so much time thinking about startups? I’ll tell you why. Economically, a startup is best seen not as a way to get rich, but as a way to work faster. You have to make a living, and a startup is a way to get that done quickly, instead of letting it drag on through your whole life.
Misconceptions spread by textbooks
Misconceptions spread by textbooks. This site lists the facts, contrary to what most textbooks say about them.
- The ocean is blue because water is a blue substance. Not because it reflects the blue sky.
- The sky is blue because air is blue.
- Clouds actually remain aloft because they are warm inside.
Banana proves God
The banana proves God’s existence. I think they’re serious.
How users read on the web
Jakob Nielsen’s old write-up on how users read on the web. Actually, this is how people read anything. I write my e-mails, PowerPoint presentations, and Word reports this way.
The Long Tail of information sharing
The Long Tail of information sharing. Even on Wikipedia, fewer than 2% have contributed over 100 articles. Over 85% have contributed fewer than 5 articles. A Wiki inside an organisation is unlikely to reach critical mass, left to itself.