Easel is a GUI for Linux written by people from Apple. Hopefully, it will really bring Linux to the masses.
PC World’s Best of the Web uncovers gems like Safeweb (like Anomymizer.com but free), MegaPixel (digital cameras), Betanews, ArtistDirect (music search) and Multimedia Library.
The public preview of IE 6 is out. The revolutionary feature is smart tags. I think the image toolbar is a pretty neat idea too.
Google has an image search with 150 million images. (While on the topic of Google, try this search on dead.long.live.)
BBC’s study on human faces analyses how beauty can be measured, how we can spot lies, etc. They even have a video that shows Bill Clinton’s testimony — and a furrowed brow.
The Webby nominees in broadband include Heavy and Yahoo Financevision.
A bizzarre calculation on the limits of computing power using fundamentals of quantum mechanics.
Google just goes on. They’re working on voice search now.
Among all concepts I have encountered on the Web, this one is the most intruiging. Ideosphere has created a futures market for ideas. You put a claim on this website, and people can buy/sell coupons based on these ideas. When the claim becomes true/false, these coupons increase/decrease in value. Of course, no real money is involved — it’s just a score. Very interesting, nevertheless, to get a feel of what people think. (There’s a similar exchange for Bollywood.)