Tech Review
Tech Review. Interesting magazine with recent tech trends.
Tech Review. Interesting magazine with recent tech trends.
Well connected. A database of sites and e-mails that people trust. You can build your own trust network on this. (Given that Google once started out as, I wonder what this one could become.)
Weird news on the rise. A search for weird news on Google reveals popular news sites like USA Today, MSNBC, ABCNews and even Reuters (via Yahoo) taking an interest in this area.
A good article on why your digital data could one day disappear. Digital, when you think about it, is far less permanent than paper.
Blue marble. NASA’s incredibly detailed pictures of earth. Downloadable.
Valentine’s day. This year, I rather looked forward to it. Funny that some people didn’t.
Serious lego. The Rubik’s cube solver by Brown is so incredible that I can’t even believe it! Some day, I’d like to do stuff like this.
Gosh, a ZX Spectrum emulator in Java. Hadn’t thought of the day when the most powerful computer I had once touched would be reduced to an applet.