Why Emirates Airlines is so cheap
The Economist explains why Emirates Airlines is so cheap. It’s not just the Government subsidy. Zero tax, low interest rates (Government-backed), and low staff cost without unions. Apparantly, they are the only low-fare long-distance flyer.
How social network analysis is used
An interview with the creators of InFlow (a software to map social networks) shows how social network analysis is used.
Business continuity planning
The Economist on Business Continuity Planning.
The effect on Ericsson, a Swedish mobile-phone company, of a fire in a New Mexico chipmaking plant belonging to the Dutch firm Philips, has become a legend. The fire, in March 2000, started by a bolt of lightning, lasted less than 10 minutes, but it caused havoc to the super-clean environment that chipmaking requires. Ericsson, unable to find an alternative source of supply, went on to report a loss of over $2 billion in its mobile-phone division that year, a loss that left it as an also-ran in an industry where it had once been a leader.
Why Google Reader
I switched to Google Reader as my blog reader (I was using Mozilla so far). The reason was simple: speed. Thanks to the Google site’s speed and keyboard navigation, I can read blog entries 10 times faster. Now there’s a unique proposition for Google that a lot of people are missing: that their site loads a whole lot faster than others. It makes a huge difference to the whole browsing experience.
Romance on the cricket pitch
Romance on the cricket pitch. Fan proposes. Zaheer Khan gracefully accepts. Watch it on Google Video.