Live Plasma
Live Plasma. An interesting way to explore music and movies. Great visual design too.
Live Plasma. An interesting way to explore music and movies. Great visual design too.
Chennai on Google Earth in high resolution. Mylapore and other areas near the coast are not yet in hi-res, though.
Domain name analysis. All two-letter and three-letter acronyms are taken. About 80% of 4-letter acronyms are taken. All common names are taken. 90% of common full names are taken. And more.
The sun and moon look smaller than you think.
The apparent large size of the Sun and Moon as we see them in the sky is a psychological illusion. There are several different explanations for this. If you take a picture of the moon with a camera lens that has the same field of view as Celestia, you may be surprised at the small size of its image.
Here is something you might try: a finger at arm’s length is about two degrees wide for most people. That means that you can fit four moons side by side. Go outside and check it. Now have a direct look at your finger indoors. Can you still believe that four moons will fit on it?
Stock transactions by Bill Gates. He periodically sells a few million of Microsoft shares. Wonder what he does with the $300 million or so every week.
Marriages in Britain are lasting longer. But part of the reason is that there are fewer marriages. More people just live together. The ones that do marry are older (30 years, as against 26 years a decade ago) and probably more religious.
Videos of talks at Google. Long, but informative. Includes talks by John Batelle, Seth Godin, and Guido von Rossum.
These are the Pulitzer prize winning non-fiction books. I’ve read only two: Godel, Escher, Bach and Guns, Germs and Steel. These were the very best books I have EVER read. If that’s any indication to go by, I want to finish this whole list.
Job openings at Google on Google Base.