S Anand

How Google was named Google

5 different stories about how Google was named Google. This is mentioned as the probably correct version:

“Lucas Pereira: ‘You idiots, you spelled [Googol] wrong!’ But this was good, because google.com was available and googol.com was not. Now most people spell ‘Googol’ ‘Google’, so it worked out OK in the end.”

How to pick a course

In his article on The Power of the Marginal, Paul Graham suggests (among other things) a way of picking courses at college.

One way to tell whether a field has consistent standards is the overlap between the leading practitioners and the people who teach the subject in universities. At one end of the scale you have fields like math and physics, where nearly all the teachers are among the best practitioners. In the middle are medicine, law, history, architecture, and computer science, where many are. At the bottom are business, literature, and the visual arts, where there’s almost no overlap between the teachers and the leading practitioners. It’s this end that gives rise to phrases like “those who can’t do, teach.”

Incidentally, this scale might be helpful in deciding what to study in college. When I was in college the rule seemed to be that you should study whatever you were most interested in. But in retrospect you’re probably better off studying something moderately interesting with someone who’s good at it than something very interesting with someone who isn’t. You often hear people say that you shouldn’t major in business in college, but this is actually an instance of a more general rule: don’t learn things from teachers who are bad at them.

How I use Google Spreadsheets

I work across multiple computers (my office laptop, home laptop, client desktop) on a daily basis.

I used to transfer data across these by e-mailing them before I travelled. (I often forgot to do so.) Mostly, these are notes — like telephone numbers, things to buy, places to visit, etc.

Google Notebook solves the problem. But not entirely. I store a lot of my notes on spreadsheets, as lists. For example:

  • Gadgets to buy (and accompanying research)
  • Movies I’ve seen
  • Books to read (and which library they’re available from)
  • To do lists

That’s what I use Google Spreadsheets for — to share lists with myself, across computers.