Joke on
A neat joke on
A neat joke on
Is IIM-B known on the Internet? What do people think? Who links to IIMB?
These days, I see many sites put DHTML to good use. Online solutions and PassThisOn, for example.
The Electronic Commerce Resource Center is the Yahoo of e-commerce. But if you want articles, go to Digital Commerce Center or
I found this law site where you can search for all the acts and bills the Indian government has passed. It’s got their full text as well.
Looks like India’s bandwidth problems will be resolved in a year. With the DoT opening up submarine fiber optic, Department of Telecommunication Services is commissioning 80GB (2001). NASSCOM‘s getting 100GB (2003). Dishnet‘s trying for 2.5TB (2001). Wow!
Geojit securities was the first site where you could trade stocks online. ICICIDirect followed. Now there’s a whole bunch (based on a Khoj search): Abhipra, Agroy, Ansec, iBroking India bulls, Investment map and Stock mantra. I’m going to start an account soon.
It turns out that I’ve seen 9 out of the top 10 movies according to the Internet Movie Database. As of today, the list read: Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, Schindler’s List, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Star Wars, Godfather: Part II, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Dr. Strangelove (which I haven’t seen).
I found some interesting articles on Strategy & Business magazine. How Novell manages their reseller channel, how brick-and-mortar companies can brand on the Internet and corporate culture on the Internet.