Tamil film music audio
If you’re looking for Tamil songs, the search engine at TFM Page’s audio section comes in very handy.
If you’re looking for Tamil songs, the search engine at TFM Page’s audio section comes in very handy.
I cut an audio CD-R today. Remix downloads came in handy. Only problem is, I goofed up, and closed the session before fully testing the CD. So I can listen to the songs only on a computer.
Comments people make in passing.
AOLiza continues. People still have conversations with a program in a chat room, without knowing it. Conversation 42, for example, is a fairly desperate 23-year old working in Starbucks, and…
Finance.com has shut down. Desktop.com too. NetZero. And the biggest of all: Pets.com (chart). This is more the trend than exception. People who had accounts on these? Tough luck! That’s one reason to stick to big players like Yahoo or Microsoft.
You can use the Fed Futures to get the market’s estimate of whether the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates. My guess, based on the numbers is that it will happen in late January 2001. Buy up stocks before then!
XHTML is now a standard. It can be used instead of HTML for portable devices.
Wal-Mart is the second largest company in the world in terms of revenues. Only 2 IT companies made to the top 10: IBM and AT&T
My guess is, with the US market slowdown, the Fed will reduce interest rates, software stocks will pickup again and live happily ever after. Time to buy IT, not sell!