More dotcom casualties
More deaths. Chemdex, the B2B chemical market., the gift store. Musicmaker, the CD-burner. Foodline, the restuarant agent.
Logical fallacies
Stephen’s Guide to the Logical Fallacies — a comprehensive list of common fallacies.
Mobile calls to become cheaper
Cellular calls will become cheaper. I might buy a phone.
Bhagavad Gita online
Bhagavad Gita online. Has audio, translations in several languages, etc. Very well organised. The final quote was very fitting for Mr. Krishnan’s IIMPressions, incidentally.
VIAO slimtop
VAIO Slimtop is a computer by Sony which has a flat screen monitor you can write on. $3,000.
Industry borders blurring
Microsoft makes video games — Sony’s domain. Sony moved into PCs — Compaq’s domain. Compaq moves into electronics — Sony’s domain. Intel moves into consumer electronics — Sony’s domain. With growing technology, industry borders become blurred.
Discounts in Bangalore
123india has a list of discounts in Bangalore. For example, US Pizza has a party pack Rs 111.
Lateral thinking puzzles
It’s been long since I solved lateral thinking puzzles. Hartman’s site has over a hundred (with answers).
CES 2001
Consumer Electronics Show 2001 is going on.