Plastic — an interesting news source. I like Plastic work.
Plastic — an interesting news source. I like Plastic work.
Salon’s article explains how silly people can get when firing employees.
Rick Garlikov tried using the Socratic method to teach binary numbers to a third grade class. Looks like it worked well. I’m all for the Socratic method of teaching.
Every Night Josephine is out of print. If not for copyrights, one could just copy an old print.
My friend Manu is doing research in graphics at Ohio State. You really must see his morphs: Ash to Mandela, for example. After playing around with the grid, I realised Mandala’s pretty handsome too. Requires Java. has some good maths puzzles and recreation links. Cut-the-knot is good. Math cartoons are better.
MP3 CD players. The next big thing? It’s basically got a hard disk where you can put in any MP3s, and listen to it like a walkman. Why bother with cassettes?
Eight case studies on sanctions: Cuba, South Africa, Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Burma, China and India.
A neat banking & finance portal by Northern Light. Covers mergers, reforms, technology, regulations, country-specific info, etc.