S Anand

I am at Bangkok

I’m in Bangkok. Not planning to update this site for a week. Incidentally, it’s almost time for my site’s first anniversary — a year since 28 July 2000, when I started updating it regularly.

I learn that guys want to speak to girls

Guys want to speak to girls, not guys. (I’m root_node)
ra_sun74: hi
root_node: Hi ra_sun74, ASL?
ra_sun74: m/26/dehi
ra_sun74: u
root_node: M/26/MUM. Are you a Delhi-ite? As in, born in Delhi?

There ends the conversation. ra_sun74 doesn’t even say Bye. He’s not interested.

root_node: Hi Sanav. Where are you from?
s_sanav: asl
root_node: m/26/mum. Still interested in chatting?

Clearly not.

rosesaif: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
root_node: Hi rosesaif. ASL, please?
rosesaif: 19m
rosesaif: u
root_node: 26/M/Mumbai. Where are you from?
rosesaif: mum
rosesaif: bye
root_node: Bye.

adhwaryukunal: I can we chat
root_node: Sure can. Where are you from?
adhwaryukunal: malad
adhwaryukunal: asl zpl
root_node: M/26/Nariman Point. And you?

rahul_in_2kin: hi!
rahul_in_2kin: wanna chat
root_node: Sure Rahul, why don’t we talk in the main room itself?
rahul_in_2kin: asl
root_node: M/26/MUM
root_node: Yours?
rahul_in_2kin: m 20 ind
rahul_in_2kin: bye
root_node: Bye.

rahul and rosesaif were very polite and said bye. By this time, I became wiser, as the next couple of chats will indicate.

ummagummain: nothing wrong in being selfish..but why be? when u can gain better things by not being….
ummagummain: whatever that means…..
root_node: Uh, U, in case you think I’m 19/F or something, I have to disappoint you — 26/M. Still want to PM?

crazyace_2002in: hi thete
root_node: Hi crazy!
crazyace_2002in: ur a/s/l plz??
root_node: M, to start with. I could proceed with the A & L, but my experience in these matters is usually a negative
crazyace_2002in: bye
root_node: See you. And best of luck with the girls!

mrsid_2001: hi
anand_m26blr: Hi mrsid
mrsid_2001: hi
mrsid_2001: asl pls
anand_m26blr: M 26 Mumbai.
anand_m26blr: If you’re a bachelor and want to marry me, I might have to dissapoint you
mrsid_2001: bye

Check your mobile phones serial number

A note from my friend Ashish: “To check your Mobile phone’s serial number, key in the following digits on your phone:

* # 0 6 #

A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Should your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset. So even if the thief changes the SIM card your phone will be totally useless. If everybody did this, there would be no point in stealing mobile phones.”