DotComDoom — about the demise of dot-coms. News links. — about the demise of dot-coms. News links.
I had several minutes of fun using the Virtual Stapler.
Joel writes on software. “Good software takes 10 years” is a good read.
When the boom was on, America’s flexible labour laws made it a haven. With the slowdown, American layoffs are faster. Flexible labour laws come with the penalty of volatility.
Funny Churchill quotes.
Don’t work too hard on keyboards. You’ll ruin your wrists like I did.
The full texts of Supreme Court rulings. Online and free.
Encyclopaedia Britannica is now a paid service.
If you don’t want spam, here are some things to do and not to do. Don’t post usenet articles, to start with.
This study has some nice animations on how the Code Red virus spread geographically.