Extent of damage of Sep 11
The extent of damage around the WTC
The extent of damage around the WTC
Unfortunate, but among the early hits of the attack are privacy and free speech.
Spaced penguin: a neat online game.
While there are enough layoffs, CEOs aren’t taking enough pay cuts.
Time Magazine’s photo essays.
I was pretty surprised that this guy wanted to go to the “richest” college in Mumbai. But by the time he asked if they were co-ed, I figured I had to get off quickly…
root_node: M 26 BLR.
root_node: Well, M 26 Mumbai, actually.
kushnoodh: ok wanna chat with male
root_node: Hi!
kushnoodh: tell me wann chat or ?
root_node: Sure, why not? Where are you from?
root_node: Of course. I mean, where in PK?
kushnoodh: fsd
kushnoodh: u knoqw this place
root_node: Heard of it, of course. But don’t know much.
root_node: You a student?
kushnoodh: yes i m coming to india for study
kushnoodh: bombay
root_node: Oh, that’s good! Where to?
kushnoodh: i m coming to bombay but now i need some information about college
kushnoodh: can u help me
root_node: Which college are you coming to?
kushnoodh: plzz tell me the best college name of bombay
root_node: Boy, that’s a tough one…. what do you want to study?
kushnoodh: i passed my matric in 1996 and now i want to continue my study 11th
root_node: Oh… VJTI is a pretty good college.
root_node: So is Wilson college.
root_node: Ruparel college is probably the most famous, though.
kushnoodh: can u tellme the richest college name
root_node: Uh… no clue actually!
kushnoodh: ok
root_node: In terms of reputation, these three colleges are pretty good.
kushnoodh: im these colleges hostel facility
root_node: I’m not sure… but getting accomodation in Mumbai is not a problem at all.
kushnoodh: and tellme the fee and hostel charges
kushnoodh: guess
root_node: Frankly, I’m new to Bombay, and have never studied here, so I haven’t a clue.
root_node: But if you’re looking for an estimate.
root_node: My guess would be it’s in the order of
root_node: a lakh a year, excluding accomodation.
kushnoodh: ok thanks and no admission problem for muslims
root_node: None that I know if.
kushnoodh: i mean is any admission problem for mmuslims
root_node: Usually, no.
root_node: There’s no quota or anything.
kushnoodh: ok
kushnoodh: nice
root_node: Best of luck with your application, Habib!
kushnoodh: tell me if i come to bombay and wanna stay there then can i get room on rent
root_node: Oh yeah, sure. They’re easily available. Rents vary from 2,000 to 10,000 per month.
kushnoodh: its is so castly
kushnoodh: any low one
root_node: It would be pretty far away, then.
kushnoodh: ok
root_node: I’ve got to chat with another friend, Habib. See you around, then. Bye!
kushnoodh: tell me in these colleges total co education plz tell me and ui will not disturb u plz
root_node: Sure. They’re all co-ed!
kushnoodh: have a nice chat ok see u bybeybeyeyeb sweet friend
root_node: Bye! Best of luck!
kushnoodh: ok so nice of u man i like u very much because ur very good man
kushnoodh: have a good day nice meeting and chatting with u ok ybeybebeyb
On second thoughts, some rumours are true.
Easter eggs. I love these!
The world at war. I didn’t know India was at war, actually.