The Spook
The Spook, a full-fledged online magazine. Almost a print magazine online, in fact.
The most bizzarre service sold on the Internet, perhaps. A kick in the ass.
The Annals of Improbable Research present the Ig Nobel prizes again. Shortly. (Incidentally, check out Britney Spears on semiconductors.)
A chat with BinLaden9151.
Jakob Nielsen has a whole bunch of patents relating to Internet usability. Metafilter has an interesting discussion on whether that’s a good idea.
A photographic blog. Lots of similar stuff at mirror project, lightningfield. Incredible! What’ll people think up of next?
I got bored of blue. I’ve changed this site to a “brown” theme.
Obituary: Industry Standard, Excite@Home, Exodus. Long live the Internet.
More on the Simputer.