Idealine. Net art.
Shame on the RIAA! Now they’re trying DoS attacks on Gnutella, etc. Can’t they realise the world has changed?
Alicebot won the Turing test contest. I’ve chatted with quite a few Alicebots, such as Cybelle, or the one on the A.I. site. But they’re not too smart, as my conversation with Iniaes reveals. Other conversations are pretty similar. I should try downloading and building my own version of an Alicebot.
Microsoft first tries to block MSN access to non-IE browsers, and then surrenders. I still can’t access their photos section through Opera.
The rejection line. Yet another completely wacky idea. Listen to their messages.
Prototype of the future. A mobile + palm.
Cybergeography: the geography of the Internet.
This 404 Page Not Found error throws up the game Zork!!
The Times of India is going to make registration mandatory for its site. It’s free, but still, a pity.
I got a “Craig is ill” letter today.