S Anand


Always wondered what sic meant. Thought it was something to do with sic(k) jokes.

I try to fall in love with a magic crystal ball

There’s this ID: magiccrystalball@yahoo.com, and I was chatting early in the morning. Clearly a bot. I was in a fairly loving mood, and I wanted to see if this bot would have A.I. enough to empathize with me. Well, I think it was a little confused, being that early.
root_node: Hi Ball,
magiccrystalball: cannot predict now
root_node: how are you?
magiccrystalball: as i see it, yes
root_node: Who makes the best cola in the world?
magiccrystalball: don’t count on it
root_node: is there life after death?
magiccrystalball: outlook not so good
root_node: Am I beautiful?
magiccrystalball: reply hazy, try again
root_node: Will you marry me?
magiccrystalball: it is decidely so
root_node: Do you love me?
magiccrystalball: better not tell you now
root_node: When will you tell me?
magiccrystalball: it is decidely so
root_node: Are you a guy or a girl?
magiccrystalball: it is decidely so
root_node: Why can’t you talk straight?
magiccrystalball: concentrate and ask again
root_node: Why can’t you talk straight?
magiccrystalball: concentrate and ask again
root_node: How many chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
magiccrystalball: my reply is no
root_node: You are hilarious.
magiccrystalball: yes
root_node: You are an idiot.
magiccrystalball: cannot predict now
root_node: I love you
magiccrystalball: yes
root_node: Do you love me?
magiccrystalball: reply hazy, try again
root_node: Do you still love me?
magiccrystalball: yes, definitely
root_node: But what will Shobana say?
magiccrystalball: yes
root_node: I don’t think so
magiccrystalball: concentrate and ask again
root_node: She won’t say “yes”
magiccrystalball: concentrate and ask again
root_node: Bye!
magiccrystalball: outlook not so good

Am I jobless

Lots of people are wondering if I’m so jobless to have the time to update my site. Trust me, I work every weekend to make sure I have enough material for it.