In defense of cheating
In defense of cheating. About how the school system should be changed to encourage co-operation.
In defense of cheating. About how the school system should be changed to encourage co-operation.
I’ve been reading a lot about augmented reality lately.
Mobile phones may not affect planes after all. But they sure affect thumbs. (Note: I always used my thumb for pointing.)
Science jokes. Includes several old classics like “The four branches of arithmetic – ambition, distraction, uglification and derision.” (Lewis Caroll). Still in Beta, and a little unimpressive, but as with most things at Google, likely to become a de facto search engine.
The original Google paper.
IP Telephony in India. At last.
I searched on Altavista after a long time (oh, for no other reason than the fact that Google said I could also try my searches on Altavista, Lycos, Yahoo, etc.) and I was surprised how much the search results resembled Google’s.
Yahoo! starts charging for autoforward facility. I’ve been used to its unavailability for quite a while, so it doesn’t bother me too much.