A R Rahman Hindi songs

By popular demand, here are interludes from 15 Hindi songs of A R Rahman. Can you guess which movie they are from?

Don’t worry about the spelling. Just spell it like it sounds, and the box will turn green.

36 thoughts on “A R Rahman Hindi songs”

  1. aaarrggh…. 9 is driving me nuts… and 12 is stumping me big time…. the rest i guessed it less than 3 seconds flat…

  2. got 14/15

    stumped by 9.

    I do not listen to remake songs (as matter of principle)… so if this is a tamil song remade in hindi with different mix, I wold not know

  3. 12/12… happy… 9 & 12 were thougheee…
    @Ashwin – nice principle… but this song is not there in tamil though the movie is there ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! 15/15

    was stuck at 12 but made about 5 guesses to get it right. so , strictly speaking I don;t deserve that one point cuz I dont even know the song.

  5. Ho!!! WoW! What a feeling !! Got 15/15 !!
    No.12 was a real tough one. It was troubling that am not getting this song. Obviously one of those albums which we heard a lot in Tamil but not in Hindi. Original is always original.Rest of them were all cool.
    Great Job by Anand. Really enjoyed this one ! Real Good work buddy.

    Long Live ARR !!

  6. I dont know answers for the 9th, 10th, and the 12th songs. I know the 10th by-heart but am not able to get it… its stuck at the “tip of the tongue” as they say..!

  7. Struggled quite a bit on 9. All three of us. Separately. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I guess it falls into the li’l old-songs category now.. And to think, we work for a Bollywood Radio Station!!:D


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