Plans of the top Indian physicists
The Onion on the plans of top Indian physicists.
Scientific American’s review of the Simputer.
Perhaps the greatest obstacle for the Simputer, though, is cost. Will people in developing countries be able to justify the expenditure of $250 on a device that may be helpful but is not essential?
Kiruba’s interview with Google. Nice questions! And good to see the post on MetaFilter. via MetaFilter
Tuvalu is a small country with 11,000 people. It’s highest peak is under 5 metres. (Yes, metres.) It pretty much gets submerged every year. Incidentally, it’s also the home of the .tv domain name. via Maltesh
What technical skills are in demand? Just a quick sketchy search by Keith. Intruiging that the top 3 technologies in demand are SQL, UNIX and Oracle, followed by C and Java.
The Economist argues that in making ‘ethical practices’ and ‘social responsibility’ prominent, corporates create a vicious cycle of guilt-until-proven-innocent. I agree with that part. But I wonder if the incentives in companies are aligned to benefit all stakeholders. Sure, in the long-run, everything is factored into the stock price. But the short (not even the medium) run is what managers need worry about, given the dynamic job market.