SearchOnline meta-search engine. Seems quite good so far.
SearchOnline meta-search engine. Seems quite good so far.
Staci Kramer interviewed the CEO of Turner Broadcasting (who, among other things, said stuff like not watching ads is theft). Staci traces how news of this spread through the Internet into sites like top 10 copyright crimes and “But Daddy I need to go“.
Nice of not to have sued
I always felt using voice to communicate with computers was a bad idea. In my case, it’s more because speaking takes up a lot of energy. But looks like it takes up a lot of thought power as well. Maybe speech recognition is not such a good idea.
PigeonRank. Google’s amazing technology (funny).
The US $20 bill can be folded to create “pictures” of the 9/11 explosions.
Effective networking.
Several ways of receiving mail on a mobile phone.