Year: 2002

Polynomial time test for primality

Prof. Manindra Agarwal and his students at IIT-K have figured out a polynomial time test for primality. It was an unsolved problem. The RSA algorithm assumes that this is impossible. (NYTimes)

Of course, others have claimed the same. To my knowledge, none is conclusively proven.

What if they’re true? Well, in a few years, our cryptography algorithms will be useless. So it’s back to the drawing board, with security-related dot-coms from Univs popping up.

Moria poetry

The first link I found on Google when searching for “Moria” was Moria poetry. Now, Moria is this text-based game that I used to play until day-before. I like it. I don’t like poetry. Still, I gave it a shot, and before long, I read stuff like

“Buffa in the seria
of my sights split infinitive sunrise
cicadas and more cicadas.”

Sounds Vogon. No offence meant. But the only poetry I’ve enjoyed till date is Alice’s The Mouse’s Tail.


Sathish, got your comment about problems on my new format. What’s your e-mail ID? Please mail me at and I’ll try to fix it.

Changes to my site

I’ve overhauled my site, replacing tables and frames with CSS. If you have problems with your browser, please let me know.