John Keogh patented the wheel
More nostalgia. John Keogh patented the wheel. via Ig Nobel Prizes
Open Courseware from MIT will be open to the public on Sep 30th. OCW is a set of MIT-designed courses that will be available online to the public. via MetaFilter
IBM’s research shows that people who are trusting adopt the Internet more than those who are suspicious by nature.
Interesting article: suggests that Tamil nationalism a moderating force to religious politics.
Kamat observes that most people find out about the site via a search in Google. I’d say advertising is probably pointless for just traffic generation. If one has something to sell, fine. Not otherwise.
Yahoo India’s TV Guide. I’ve been waiting for this for sooooo long!
Ralph Nader talks about how businesses are using GATS to their own ends. The argument is that trade laws are used as a lever to subvert local laws, which protect citizens from businesses. via RobotWisdom
Corporate scandals at a glance. Nice, the way they’ve linked Martha Stewart and her daughter to Sam Waksal. (Wax-all?) via Metafilter
Daypop is out of disk space. Poor thing! Could we lend it some? I mean, could sites like Daypop work out a distributed architecture, using web services? Or using things like space drives? via Scripting News
Chatting with your computer — the new way of interacting with your DOS prompt.