I end up changing my office laptops every year or so, and hence reinstall lots of software. Here’s my inventory.
I most certainly will install the following.
ActivePerl. I still program. I know Perl. I love Perl.
Acrobat Reader
DivX player
Dave’s quicksearch deskbar
Microsoft Office 2003. Has some really good improvements over Office 2000.
NoteTab Light. Multiple tabs notepad. But is there anything better?
Nero Express
Picasa 2
WinAmp (with Media Library import/export)
I most likely will install the following, but not necessarily.
Adobe Photoshop. Almost vital, but I can live with Microsoft Office Picture Manager.
Goldwave. I often record interviews, or give commentary for home-made movies.
Google Earth (with Fraps). To browse the world and make movies out of them.
Google Toolbar
Mozilla Firefox. For multi-tabbed browsing, mainly. Otherwise, IE is fine.
MSN Messenger. Just for the interface. Somehow, it feels “smoother” than Yahoo.
RealPlayer. Don’t listen to RealAudio that much. Still…
UnixUtils. I use “grep” and “less” more often than “dir”
VirtualDub. For the occasional movie editing that Microsoft Movie Maker can’t handle.
WinHtTrack. To browse offline.
Google Desktop Search. Helps remember my browsing history.
Tempting, but no thanks.
Opera. Mozilla’s fine, thank you.
Yahoo Messenger. MSN Messenger’s better, thank you.
Yahoo Desktop Search. Better interface than Google’s. But no browsing history.
Looks like bloglines has issues with showing the RSS of the post. Especially the list of programs. I get a blank list
And a really nice way to show comments! I love it!
Hope the RSS feed is fixed now. And thanks!
Does Winzip do something that Winrar doesnt?
No anti-virus software?Tipping my hat to you… You, sir, are a brave man! Try Avast, it is free and it is good!
‘Digit ‘ One of the popular PC magazine rated it as the ‘Best’, i tried it believe me after that my system had 50 Trojans and worms and my Laptop was badly affected
I just like WinZip’s interface. As for anti-virus, believe it or not, yes, I am quite foolish on that front.
How’s AVG? Heard it was good.
RSS Feed is fine now. Thanks!
Since I did not want to shell out loads of moolah, I just downloaded Avast to give it a shot. I have been pretty impressed by it since then. Another one you might want to give a shot is Clamwin (www.clamwin.com)
Are you able to run Bitlord from behind firewalls? Or do you use some kind of tunneling software? I have been unable to get bittorrent to work with tunnelling software.
Not behind a firewall, luckily.
jedit is good
Hey, great to hear from you, Karthik! Will mail you.
Just saw that you will be installing DivX player. Why not give MPlayer or VLC a try. I personally love Mplayer.
for editors, I have off late starting using ScitE editor.. It is pretty good with multiple tabs and coloring based on the language one uses for coding
Somehow I still prefer VIM for simple editing. I tried convincing people at work that I use LaTe X for all document preparation needs, but somehow it got shot down.
I tried Avast. Pretty impressive.